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Ewelina Nowicka

Ewelina Nowicka

Our 2nd composer of the week is Ewelina Nowicka.
Last year she won the 5th Crossover Composition Award for her composition “Jongleurs” which is published at Ries&Erler. In 2008 she received an award for her violin and piano piece ‘Kaddish 1944’ at Jugend Komponiert Competition, listen to it:

Ewelina has been composing for many years and co-operated with such other composers as: Michael Volpe, Krzysztof Olczak, Stanislaw Moryto, Peter Michael Hamel, Elisabeth Sikora, Helmut Zapf, Eugeniusz Głowski, Matthias Jann, Sebastian Stier, Georg Hajdu, Manfred Stahnke and Helmut Erdmann.

You can experience Ewelina’s own compositions during her concerts, where she performs them either as a soloist or with orchestras or/and choirs. In the summer of 2010 an active co-operation with the publisher Verlag Neue Musik in Berlin started which now published most of their compositions and are available as sheet music.

She is also a fantastic violin player, she won many prizes and awards. Listen to her astonishing interpretation of Ludomir Rozycki´s violin concert:

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