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Thomas Bierling

Thomas Bierling

Thomas Bierling is today´s composer of the week. He set the legal text into music:

Thomas Bierling learned to play the piano when he got 10 years old and was engaged in Jazz, Pop and all popular music when he got 14 years old. He studied physics at the Universität Karlsruhe and then worked as a management consultant. At the same time he was busy as a bandleader, composer and arranger. In 2005 Thomas Bierling set the 19 articles of the legal text to music together with Eva Weis und PeterLehel. This piece got the name “Recht harmonisch” and was the first musical version of the legal text worldwide and was very attended by the media. He also composed for theater, dance music, orchestra, chanson and many pieces for jazz, pop and easy listening.

Find out more on www.thomas-bierling.de