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Thomas Christoph Heyde

Thomas Christoph Heyde

First time in this line-up we have a violinduo for listening. Have fun with »Apparitionen III« from Thomas Christoph Heyde, in a interpretation of Aitzol und Iokine Iturriagagoitia:
[wpaudio url=”http://www.tchey.de/wp-content/mp3player/content/musik/Apparitionen_III.mp3″ text=”Apparitionen III” dl=”0″]

The composer Thomas Chr. Heyde (born in Leipzig) studied composition and electro acoustics at the Leipzig Academy of Music and Theatre. With the help of a scholarship he was able to take additional study with Friedrich Schenker at the Academy of Arts in Berlin and at the Academy of Music in Basel. He has recieved numerous prizes and awards. He had various scholarships of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Hallbach-Stiftung and the Kulturstiftung of Saxony.
Since 1999 he has been teaching the subject Audio at the department of media arts at the Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig. He was and is a dramatic adviser, organizer and director of concerts, festivals and intermedia-projects and besides he is the art director of the renowned Forum Zeitgenössischer Musik Leipzig [FZML] since 2005. Heyde is also working as editor for broadcasting corporations and publishes articles about music and other contemporary topics.
The extensive oeuvre of the composer and media artist contains above all compositions for orchestra, for chamber music, electro acoustic, live electronic and multi media pieces and compositions for music in theatre, which were written on behalf of well-known soloists and ensembles. The conjoint works of Thomas Chr. Heyde and the video artist Ulrich Polster can be seen, for instance, at museums in France and Great Britain. In May 2008 there was the release of a cd and a limited edition of a vinyl with the title »High Culture Motherfucker«, causing quite a stir worldwide. A new cd/vinyl will be released with the same title like the corresponding cycle of works »Einkehr«.

Find out more on www.tchey.de